May 27 is Memorial day in the United States, when all Americans who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces are remembered and honored.
The period from Friday 24 May until Monday 27 May is celebrated as Memorial Weekend, and Mombot would like to mark this occasion
with a special offer:

Anyone who buys a 1 month subscription over the Memorial weekend will receive an additional week free of charge.

Anyone who buys a 3 month subscription over the Memorial weekend will receive an additional 2 weeks free of charge.

This offer is valid from Friday 24 May until midnight on Monday 27 May. Don't miss out!

Existing VIP's: We haven't forgotten you! We would like to offer you the chance to try out 1 additional cheat free of charge over the Memorial Weekend. To qualify, your sub must have started before 24 May and end after the 27 May. Just alert either The Reverend or TrebleX in TS, the Shoutbox or by pm with your choice of cheat and your timezone (GMT,EST etc) and we will add it to your Loader.